Media: For staying up to date, a number of publications and sites report on business, government, and life in the city. The News and Observer is the biggest local newspaper and the Triangle Business Journal reports on all things business. To follow municipal news, subscribe to any number of city department updates or follow city council and other meetings on live stream. Various outlets report on city happenings from the Raleigh Public Record and Indy Week to the Raleigh Agenda, the Triangle Downtowner, and blogs such as the Raleigh Connoisseur. Walter Magazine provides monthly local interest stories and calendars.
Connections: A short drive from Research Triangle Park, RDU International Airport, and the towns of Cary, Chapel Hill, and Durham, SouthWestRaleigh is centrally located and easily accessible. Airport shuttles, and Go Raleigh, Go Triangle and Wake Transit systems provide car-less connectivity. Transit is being built out for rapid bus and commuter rail.