Krisy Kreme ChallangeRaleigh’s Creative District is home to one of the more “creative” road races that you will find—the Krispy Kreme Challenge. Participants run from the iconic Belltower on the NC State campus to the Krispy Kreme store on the Corner of Peace St and Person St – they then eat a dozen donuts and then race back to the Belltower – 4miles of running and 12 donuts = genius!

This race is in it’s 8th year and the expected 6500 participants will be running through the streets of Cameron Village, Cameron Park, and Glenwood Brooklyn having fun and raising money for the North Carolina Children’s Hospital.  This event has garnered National Attention as it was featured on ESPN in 2009. More importantly, it has become a major fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital and most certainly has grown up substantially from its humble roots.

The first race in 2004 was more of a dare than anything else. Approximately a dozen friends showed up and participated in this impromptu event. Rumor has it the event organizer overslept.

Since that first event, the participation has grown exponentially, and has also taken on a real unique character. Many participants have taken to running in costume – very similar to the “Bay to Breakers” race in San Francisco. The race has also attracted many local celebrities and it truly is something to experience.

This great event is not without some disruption – you can expect road closures on Hillsborough Street, Peace Street and St. Mary’s Street for most of the morning on Saturday, Februray 4, 2012. Please make alternative plans if you are heading downtown.

Come out and experience this great event – revel in the unique characteristics and celebrate yet another gem in Raleigh’s Creative District!

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