PRR-Watch Hosting Annual Meeting on February 20

Raleigh, NC – The Pleasant Ridge & Ramsgate Community Watch, building a safe and informed family community in Raleigh’s Creative District, is hosting their annual membership meeting next week. Date: Monday, February 20, 2012 Potluck dinner at 6:30 pm Meeting...

2012 Tour D’Coop Application Deadline Approaching

Another great event in Raleigh’s Creative District is hatching this Spring. Tour d’Coop is a one-day garden tour that educates visitors about keeping hens in the Raleigh city limits and inspires them with different garden ideas. It’s a unique...

Downtown Raleigh Sustainability Walking Tour

It’s not easy being green is the famous song but no one has ever said it can’t be educational and even fun. If you are interested in learning more about what Raleigh is doing to be green join us on a two-mile, self-guided walking tour of downtown on February 4, 2012....