Jan 6, 2012 | Events, Good Info, South West Raleigh
Note: location change below Increasingly newspapers around the country are leaning on reporters to take photos to go in the the print or online versions of newspapers. Photography budgets have shrunk and the quality of the photos along with them. Photography jobs have...
Dec 15, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
On Thursday, December 15, downtown Raleigh will have a chance to party AND give back to a great cause. The Annual Downtown Santa Ball will take place at The Union Tavern in The Depot from 7-10pm with 100% of proceeds and donations going to support The Boys and Girls...
Dec 13, 2011 | Arts, Events
The karate class previously shown has moved to Biltmore Hills Community Center while Carolina Pines is undergoing renovation. We are still having classes, and we will start a new round of beginner’s classes, with no previous experience necessary, in January...
Dec 8, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
The North Carolina Symphony brings Raleigh music lovers two concerts to celebrate the holidays this month. The Symphony performs “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” on Thursday, December 22 at 7:30pm and “New Year’s in Vienna,” on...
Dec 7, 2011 | Events, Parks & Rec, South West Raleigh
It’s early December and I’m writing a post about visiting the local arboretum? Yes, that’s right! Even though the Winter season is upon us in a few short weeks, JC Raulston Arboretum has a diverse group of plants, trees, and flowers in bloom and...
Dec 2, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
Come enjoy a great holiday event at Renaissance Park this Saturday, December 3, 2011 from 11am-1pm and show your appreciation by helping families of Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune troops, with one or both deployed parents, this holiday season. Bring new unwrapped toys to...