Nov 21, 2011 | Events, Restaurants, South West Raleigh
Southwest Raleigh is home to some of the best restaurants in the area. Each week, Raleigh Specials Tonight will feature a few of these restaurants in Raleigh’s Creative District. Be sure to check here before planning your night out this week. This week we feature...
Nov 17, 2011 | Arts, Entertainment, Events, South West Raleigh
These are the highlights for the November 19, 2011 Saturday Market, with an extended time to take advantage of all the vendors and activities. Join us from 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. It’s the last market of the 2011 season and we have so many things to see and do. We...
Nov 15, 2011 | Education, Events
Guest post by Jessi Rogers, Wade Edwards Foundation Come to the WELL on November 16, 2011 at 3:30pm for an interactive presentation on Cyber Safety from David Ferrell and Danielle Peschon of Interact. Students will talk about safe and unsafe online behavior and...
Nov 11, 2011 | Events, Schools, South West Raleigh
America Recycles Day at North Carolina State University is featuring a two part event where you can recycle your electronics, shred your old documents, and compost. See the information below on how and where you can participate. NCSU Electronics Recycling &...
Nov 10, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
This is the second to last market of a very successful 2011 season! See our highlights for November 12 from 9am-2pm and who will be here this week. Next week (11/19) is our Pre-Vegetation Celebration: The last Saturday Market of this season. We will stay open longer...
Nov 8, 2011 | Economic Development, Events, Neighborhood, South West Raleigh, Transportation
On Saturday, November 5, 2011, neighbors, business owners, and city staff gathered at Peach Road Park to discuss the future of Lake Wheeler Road. The 1.2 mile stretch of road, South of I-40 and North of Tryon Road, had a lot of details to cover and attendees had...