Nov 7, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
What a great day to run in Raleigh. The weather was perfect, the new course highlighted many sites in Southwest Raleigh, and the support was awesome. Thousands of runners and spectators gathered for the City of Oaks marathon, Rex Healthcare half marathon, and the Old...
Nov 4, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh, Sports
The Raleigh City of Oaks Marathon and Rex Healthcare Half Marathon is returning to Raleigh’s Creative District for the fifth year—starting and finishing this years race at the NC State Memorial Bell Tower. Come on out to cheer the runners on and help them cross...
Nov 3, 2011 | Events, Restaurants, South West Raleigh
At this weeks Saturday Market, donut chef and owner of Monuts Donuts, Lindsay Moriarty, will be selling a variety of hand-crafted donuts at Rebus Works’ in Boylan Heights, downtown Raleigh. Monuts brings seasonally-inspired and locally-sourced products to the...
Nov 3, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
This week we are happy to have The Cookery coming from Durham, NC. They will be bringing Monuts Donuts with them to sell unique donuts and The Cookery staff will be talking to visitors about what it’s like to run a community kitchen. See who will be here this...
Oct 27, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
Here are you highlights for The Saturday Market, by Rebus Work for October 29, 2011 from 9am-2pm. The Saturday Market only has 4 weeks left and we are making them count! This week we have a ton of fresh produce and prepared food vendors. Inter-faith Food Shuttle Young...
Oct 26, 2011 | Events, Good Info, Traffic
Some of you may already be aware of these upcoming events within the Hillsborough area of the Southwest Police District, but I wanted to ensure you had the specific details. The following events are concentrated in the Hillsborough Street area and will impact traffic...