Jun 30, 2011 | Arts, Events, Good Info, South West Raleigh
This week The Saturday Market has some vendors doing something a little special for the July 4th holiday. Porch Rockin’ will have homemade ice cream cups…red white and blue themed… blueberry ice cream, strawberry syrup and whipped cream! Yum!...
Jun 27, 2011 | Events, Neighborhood, South West Raleigh
In case you missed the Kirby Derby here are some photos from the event. It was a great time in a very welcoming and hospitable part of Southwest Raleigh. We don’t call ourselves the Creative District because we want to. It’s events like the Kirby Derby...
Jun 23, 2011 | Arts, Events, Good Info, History, South West Raleigh
This week The Saturday Market introduces several new products from The Buffaloe Milling Company, including cornmeal, biscuit mix, and a hot n spicy breader that would go great on the fish that you’ll be picking up at The Market. Buffaloe Milling Company, has an...
Jun 20, 2011 | Events, Neighborhood, South West Raleigh
Guest post by Chris Howell Picture this…a quiet neighborhood on a sunny Saturday afternoon. Suddenly the silence is shattered with the sounds of music, cheering and screams of joy from the children! This is how Kirby Derby started–a noisy neighborhood...
Jun 16, 2011 | Arts, Events, Good Info, South West Raleigh
Raleigh’s Creative District is proud to bring you highlights for this weeks Saturday Market At Rebus Works. This week will continues an expanded donation based yoga class schedule. A Level 1-2 Flow yoga class at 9:30 am, followed by a class for all levels at 11:00...