Apr 13, 2011 | Events, Raleigh Planning
Are you interested in urban design, CPTED, community gardens, greenways, or landscape design for healthy childhoods? Join the Urban Design Lunch Forum series Creating Great Places at the Urban Design Center at 133 Fayetteville Street from noon – 1:30 p.m. See...
Apr 12, 2011 | Events, Good Info, South West Raleigh
Rebus Works, in South West Raleigh’s Boylan Heights neighborhood, recently announced The Saturday Market. The market will bring together farmers, crafters, food trucks, brewers and more–every Saturday from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm beginning April 23, 2011...
Apr 9, 2011 | Events, Good Info
Boylan Heights resident Jimmy Creech will be doing a book reading and signing of his memoir, Adam’s Gift, this Sunday at Quail Ridge Books, 3522 Wade Avenue 3:00 pm. Adam’s Gift is published by Duke University Press. Jimmy will also read at The Regulator...
Apr 5, 2011 | Events, History, Parks & Rec
Yates Mill located in Southwest Raleigh is a water-powered mill that operated on Steep Hill Creek in southern Wake County for more than 200 years. The mill was built around 1756, the year that Mozart was born. Restored to its late 1800s operational state, the mill...