tour_d_coop_28Why did the chicken cross I-40? To get to Tour D’Coop, of course! Raleigh’s own “Parade of Combs” features hens and over 20 coops tucked away in the gardens and backyards of your friends and neighbors. Explore the urban chickens in Southwest Raleigh and beyond this weekend on Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 10 am to 4 pm, rain or shine.

Between you, me, and the Internet, I really wanted to participate as a Tour D’Coop site this year, but my wife wasn’t ready to pimp out our flock. Last fall we installed a chicken coop in our back yard, and it’s been a hentastic time! We collect green and brown eggs from our Americauna, Rhode Island Reds, and Buff Orpingtons. And if you’re curious about having your own chickens, then Tour D’Coop is an eggcellent way to get started.

All tour proceeds benefit Urban Ministries of Raleigh. Tickets for Tour D’Coop are available at select locations. They may also be purchased on the day of the tour.

The Tour D’Coop is a one-day garden tour in Raleigh, North Carolina, that seeks to educate visitors about keeping hens and delight them with garden ideas and inspiration. Open to adults and children, the tour showcases various hen houses and breeds. Coop owners are on hand at each location to discuss the how-tos of chicken keeping and there are opportunities for photographing and getting to know the chickens. The wide variety of coop styles as well as the surrounding back yard gardens make the tour interesting for the whole family.

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