First, thank you for your patience as we work on preparing for our next Hillsborough Street Visioning Workshop.

Since we last wrote, we have run into some scheduling conflicts. The Krispy Creme Challenge Run was held on February 5th at the same time we had planned to meet. And as we have worked on the agenda, some of the talented folks we wanted involved were not available.  So, we are changing the date and hope this isn’t too much of an inconvenience for all of you.

Please mark this NEW DATE on your calendar:  SATURDAY MARCH 26th.

We will begin at 8:30 with coffee and a light breakfast and end no later than 4 pm and have secured meeting space at the Royal Bakery building on Hillsborough Street (across from Meredith College.)

Our goal is to let you know what is happening, ask for your ideas about the kinds of businesses and development we should recruit to Hillsborough Street, and get your input about the phase of the construction project we should tackle next (remember, this was just phase one!)

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you on March 26th!

Sharing is caring!