Guest post by Bill Padgett

View of downtown raleigh from Dix campusA presentation from Myrick Howard’s UNC students about the buildings on Dix Hill will be held Friday, April 19 at 3:00pm in the Briggs Building, Downtown Raleigh.

These presentations will be more focused on building preservation than creating a world-class destination park, but learning about the structures and the need to preserve historic structures should be highly informative.

You may hear about Presidio 1480 acre park and other parks that have converted the old building to industrial uses and condo uses. And perhaps Golden Gate Park (1017 acres, 13M visitors, 5th most visited) which parallels Central Park in New York and Forest Park in St. Louis (1200 acres & 12M visitors). All are examples of destination parks and it might be interesting how they compare with Presidio and other mixed use developed parks

It will be worth your time and an excellent learning experience to hear these student’s assessment from UNC for the Dix Park land.

More information

UNC Department of City and Regional Planning class to research about the potential reuse of the historic buildings on the Dix Hill campus. 

Students have found and mapped information about the buildings at Dix, explored other parks across the country that are similarly endowed with historic buildings, learned about their governance structures, explored financing options, etc.  Attendees should find the presentation to be very interesting and helpful in thinking about the Dix Hill property.  The presentation will last one hour.

Presentation on Dix building potential reuse

  • Class presentation: UNC Department of City and Regional Planning class
  • When: Friday, April, 19, 2013 at 3:00 pm
  • Where: 220 Fayetteville St. Raleigh NC — first floor of the Briggs Building

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