I know Southwest Raleigh is the best place to live, work, and play in city. From some of the best parks, greenways, arts and cultural amenities in the City to the best places to work in the region, to our highly diverse communities, infrastructure, architecture and mix of housing opportunities—we’ve got everything Richard Florida has documented to be a hub of creativity. From our urban downtown, to rural horse farm, we have it all!

Lake Raleigh

Lake Raleigh

In January, we “launched” the site, southwestraleigh.com, with the vision to be the pulse of Southwest Raleigh. Our latest branding exercises have taken us to be more, well, creative. It’s a homonym of sorts, one meaning, in the literal sense that this is Raleigh’s home of the “creative class”—the artists, craftsmen and tradesmen, thinkers, educators, innovators, designers, professionals, entrepreneurs, etc. The second meaning is a clever, yet astute acronym that includes Southwest Raleigh’s Communities, Recreation, Education, Arts, Technology, Innovation, Vision, and Entertainment.

Southwest Raleigh IS the City’s Creative District. And we are thereby rightly staking our claim.

The website will slowly build on our creative theme. You’ll start to see pages that focus on communities, recreation, education, and the other topic categories noted above. But it’s intentionally left incomplete by the site’s editors. Why? Because no one knows their community and its very best attributes than you do.

We’ve made a to-do list and provided an outline on “how to contribute.” Adding something to the website is just as easy as writing an email to us.  We also want your feedback. What do you think we need to call Raleigh’s Creative District…is it Uptown, SoWe, or something else? Let’s hear your creative thoughts and suggestions. (Add them to the comments below.)

This is a labor of love by those who are passionate about Southwest Raleigh—and we want the content to be filled by contributions from the folks who clearly understands why so many people choose to live, work and play in such a concentrated hub of creativity. We encourage you to write about your communities and our recreational amenities, schools, art venues, exciting new technology being developed, innovative new things taking place, and the highly diverse entertainment outlets you are so passionate about in Raleigh’s Creative District.

So e-mail and tell us why you enjoy living, working, and playing in Southwest Raleigh. Think about southwestraleigh.com as sort of a “wikipedia” for Raleigh’s Creative District—it will only be as good as you help us make it!

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