Guest post by

sneaker designI’m offering two Sneaker Design Workshops, one for adults and one for children.

During the Sneaker Design Workshop we’ll learn about the principles of design, how do draw your design on paper, transfer your design to your Sneaker, work with colors, and make the coolest pair of Sneakers in town.

The adult Sneaker Workshop will be Saturday July 30, 2011 from 1-4pm.

The child Sneaker Workshop will be on Sunday July 31, 2011 from 1-4pm.

My studio located at 655 West Lenoir Street in Raleigh, NC. The cost for is $15 per participant.

Each participant will need to bring with them on pair of white or light colored sneakers. Sneakers without laces work best, but Sneakers with laces work too. I supply all markers, paper, and pencils.

Should a family decide to take the workshop together, they should register for Sunday’s workshop.

Space is limited, so I encourage all to pre-register prior to class. You are welcomed to stop by my studio to meet me and to take a tour of my studio. To register, please contact me and I’ll be glad to meet you at my studio, you’re house, or at the Cameron Village Public Library.

Originally posted at Kirk Adam Studio and republished with the authors permission.

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