Don’t Chicken Out on Tour D’Coop

Why did the chicken cross I-40? To get to Tour D’Coop, of course! Raleigh’s own “Parade of Combs” features hens and over 20 coops tucked away in the gardens and backyards of your friends and neighbors. Explore the urban chickens in Southwest...

Getting Ready for BarCampRDU 2013

Over 150 open source and technology enthusiasts are planning to attend BarCampRDU this weekend on NC State’s Centennial Campus. Participants are polishing up creative talks, presentations, sessions ideas, hardware demonstrations, and much more. I even saw a...

Thousands Flock to Downtown Food Truck Rodeo

If you’ve been in Raleigh for at least a year, then you know that food trucks have made a lot of progress over the past few months. Sunday, May 12 proved that people in Downtown Raleigh and from around the Triangle really love food trucks. Over 40 food trucks...

Wedge Garden’s Samosa and Mimosa Work Day

Guest post by Eva Sabelo Winterbourne Mark your calendars now for the Wedge Garden’s Samosa and Mimosa Clean-up-Behind-the-Shed Work Day, Saturday, May 18th (rain date May 19). We’ll get started in the morning about 9:00 am (more or less) and carry on...