Apr 2, 2012 | Events, Neighborhood, Restaurants, South West Raleigh
Easter Sunday, April 8, is right around the corner. If you have family visiting, be sure to show them how amazing our city is by making a reservation at one of these popular brunch spots in Raleigh’s Creative District. Each week, Raleigh Specials Tonight will...
Mar 30, 2012 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
This has been a great week and now its time to enjoy the weekend. Check out some things that are going on in Raleigh’s Creative District and get out there and enjoy! 1. NSCU is celebrating it’s 125th Birthday this week. As part of that, there is a History...
Mar 30, 2012 | Events, South West Raleigh
Attention all bargain hunters and fans of the weekly Raleigh Flea Market: You can now shop for great deals at the fairgrounds every Tuesday at the new Tuesdays at Dorton Arena (TADA) Flea Market! The TADA Flea Market is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every Tuesday, and...
Mar 20, 2012 | Entertainment, Events, South West Raleigh
Looking for a fun event on Thursday night while helping raise money for a local organization and supporting local brews and wines? Come out to the Fifth Annual Beer & Wine Tasting fundraiser at Tir Na Nog on Thursday, March 22 from 7-10pm to raise money for...
Mar 19, 2012 | Events, South West Raleigh
The Creative District is home to many events and celebrations but few match the fun of St. Patrick’s Day. The annual Wearin’ ‘O the Green Festival is in Moore Square from 10:00am to 9:00pm with lots of food, beverages, and entertainment with...
Mar 13, 2012 | Community Services, Events, South West Raleigh
As a Boylan Heights resident and supporter of downtown nonprofits, I am happy to welcome the outstanding Haven House Services to my neighborhood as they settle into their new office space at 600 West Cabarrus Street. If you aren’t familiar with this great...