Oct 21, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
If you haven’t made it out to the NC State Fair yet, you’ve got three days left to head over to the fairgrounds and check things out. The weather looks perfect! The fair has new rides, new entertainment, and new food–including the fried food the fair...
Oct 20, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
Here are you highlights for The Saturday Market, by Rebus Work for October 22, 2011 from 9am-2pm. The Saturday Market only has 5 weeks left and we are making them count! We’ve begun hosting a local brewery each Saturday—this week we’re hosting Aviator...
Oct 19, 2011 | Arts, Events, South West Raleigh
Join CAM Raleigh on Saturday, October 29, 2011 for Fright at the Museum. Have a blast on Halloween weekend and support a fabulous new local arts organization. Come to CAM Raleigh (the new Contemporary Art Museum) in Raleigh’s warehouse district for a night of...
Oct 18, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
Have you been looking for a scary event to jump start your excitement for Halloween? Lucky for you, the Raleigh Jaycees Haunted House has returned after a one-year hiatus. Building on the recurring “Terror at Possum Creek” story, this year’s theme is...
Oct 17, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
The North Carolina State Fair is being held at the N.C. State Fairgrounds from October 13-23, 2011. If you’ve been to the fair before, and even if you haven’t, one of the most talked about things is the food. This year, you can swing by the fair during the...
Oct 14, 2011 | Events, South West Raleigh
The North Carolina State Fair is being held at the N.C. State Fairgrounds from October 13-23, 2011. The Fair kicked of yesterday with preview day and the official opening ceremony is being held at 11 a.m. today (October 14) in Heritage Circle—all fairgoers are...